Tuesday 29 October 2013

NaNoWriMo Nanu Nanu

In an effort to discipline myself to write, I have signed up for National Novel Writing Month (or NanoWriMo as it's known). This means that I'll have to write at least 1666 words a day to reach my target of 50 thousand words by the end of November. You can find out more info here - http://nanowrimo.org/dashboard I decided to write an "origins" story for a character I created for a short story that I had already submitted to the Dragon's Pen writing competition, hosted by Glasgow Women's Library. When I showed my story to some close friends, they commented that they would like to read more. I started looking at ideas online and fancied the idea of my hapless heroine beginning her career on the space equivalent of a recycling plant after reading a couple of articles. Now, I know there is no such thing as an original idea and after having a partial meltdown on seeing the trailer for the recent movie "Gravity", which to the casual viewer seemed to precis my short story, I have found out that there was a short-lived US comedy sci-fi show in the late 1970s called "Quark" about a gargabe collecting ship and there is also a Japanese Anime called "Planetes" on a similar theme. Where I am hoping that my story will be different is that it's not so much concerned with clearing up the space debris as recycling it! Anyway, it's too late to thing up a new idea and it's really only a writing exercise at this stage. I have a title - "Waste Of Space", which I think is quite catchy. My plan is to use this blog to share ideas, chart my progress and maybe even post my day's writing. I hope you'll join me and spur me on when I need it. Mork over and out x

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